Last weekend we visited Roswell, NM. Joe's mom is a travelling nurse and is staying there for the next few weeks. For those of you who don't know, there has been controversy surrounding the city of Roswell since 1947 when an alien space ship allegedly crash landed in a farmer's field outside of town. Now... I don't put much stock into aliens and UFO's although I have no doubt they do exist. I just kind of .... don't think about it. Honestly if I ever found out that aliens were without a doubt... visitig earth... I would be terrified. Joe, on the other hand, is OBSESSED with everything alien and everything that has to do with the universe. So naturally we went to the "UFO Museum and Research Center" in downtown Roswell.

... Now, I love a good museum. Like I said.. a GOOD museum. Haha... this was the cheesiest museum I have ever seen. But what should I have expected? It was a museum dedicated to an "alleged" UFO landing in 1947. The pictures on the walls of this museum were printed from a computer, pasted onto colored construction paper, and then laminated. The paper wasn't even glued straight!!!! They would also have testimonials coming from the most random people. "The nurse at the scene's great grandaughter told stories of what the grandmother told her mom." What? That's like saying "my brother's cousin's best friend who heard his younger brother's mom say..." So, yeah, the sources in the Roswell crash were very credible. I know I am poking a lot of fun at this...and to the museum's credit, it was only 13 dollars for three people and they did have actual newspaper clippings. AND they had a spaceship that would make sounds and light up and let out some fog with aliends surrounding it every few minutes. So that was kind of cool. They had an "all right" gift shop stocked full of alien souvenirs. Actually... just about every shop in the downtown Roswell area was an alien themed gift shop. Joe and I bought out obligatory magnet to put on our fridge (we buy a magnet for every trip we go on) and we went back home.
Here are some pictures we documented of the trip... well, Joe documented. You know how I am with taking pictures.

Joe and the aliens |
Joe and his mom.... and the aliens
Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Joe was inspired on the way down to Roswell by all of the abandoned gas stations and hotels. On the way back to Albuquerque we stopped at some of the spots so he could take pictures. This is an abandoned Motel. If you notice, all of the doors to the rooms are open and the windows were all broken out. He asked me to come out with him and look inside... I think not. I stayed in the car with my guard dog... Harrison! |
Some were really cool! |
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