It has been almost a month since I posted, and that's mostly due to my lack of picture taking AND the fact that I haven't created any new cookies lately. I was scolded by my friend, Marin, about it so I guess it's time I finally updated you all on what's happening in New Mexico! Cookies are going great still, however, I haven't had much of an opportunity to make new cookies because I'm getting orders on ones I have already created. Coming up I get to make new cookies, though, so expect some pictures! I started my new job at Farmers after Thanksgiving and it's still going well. I have a lot to learn but I look back on how much I already have learned and feel pretty good about it. As for Joe, he has had a few exciting developments within the last month. He will be leaving to the South Pacific for a mission for 2 weeks... and trust me, he is SO disappointed. Bah! He's basically going to an island that is straight out of a desktop background that most of us can only dream of going to and he's getting paid to go. Maybe I need to join the Air Force. On top of that, his VERY old Toyota Corolla, or as he likes to call it, Yota, broke down. By broke down I mean the repairs would have cost more than his car was worth... and that's not a lot. Trust me, in no way is he offended by the way anyone talks about his car and from the picture I'm about to show you, you'll see why.

The "Yota" very broken and sad looking.
His new ride... quite the improvement.
As I write this he is sitting in bed next to me reading the manual. He's in love. Tomorrow I'll be posting ANOTHER entry because I just finished some Umizoomi themed cookies and I am waiting for natural light to take pictures of them. Just another thing Joe taught me... pictures look 10000x better in natural light. If you don't know what Umizoomi is (like me when I got this request) then check back tomorrow for an excess of cuteness!
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