Sunday, August 19, 2012

Creepy Crawlies

One very valuable lesson that I have learned from moving from the midwest to the south is that Iowa really has it made when it comes to their lack of natural disasters and their lack of deadly, large, hairy, creepy, and disgusting bugs. Now I have seen a few wolf spiders.. plenty of wolf spiders, but mostly they stayed on the bricks and never got into the house (pretty sure Eugene Wheeler has used some illegal pest control product to prevent this from happening). This is not the case in Warner Robins, GA. I have seen more bugs in my home then I care to admit and I am also hoping and praying heavily that New Mexico is slightly less buggy. I know there are scorpions and tarantulas, but for some reason I am letting myself live in a dream world for now where those types of creepy crawlies only exist in the middle of the desert and not in the middle of my Albuquerque apartment. I will continue to live in this dream world until I am proven otherwise.

What I am really trying to say here... is that I hope that by moving from Georgia to New Mexico that I am moving far.. far.. faaaaaaaaaaaar away from what I just found outside of my BEDROOM WINDOW......

Allow me to introduce to you to the North American Banana Spider. Joe has lovingly named him Peter Parker.

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