Sunday, April 14, 2013


These cookies have a back story. I was roaming Target the Friday before Easter. I was trying to find the perfect gifts to put in an Easter basket for Joe. After loading up on some candy and a basket I thought maybe I should get him a little something extra. I found myself wondering among the DVD's when I saw a bunch of Disney movies on sale for the Easter weekend. I knew right away what I was going to get Joe... Lion King on blu-ray. Just happened to be the diamond edition... no biggie... I'm an awesome girlfriend. Besides that, however, there were so many other movies I saw that I wanted. I don't care how old you are, you still have GOT to love Disney. I held Tangled and Brave in my hands for at least 10 minutes contemplating on whether it was worth it to buy them in blu-ray or not. Then, I did what only I would do... and I just put them down because I couldn't decide. That's right, I'm the type of person that just gives up if I'm at a crossroads and don't know what to pick.

I regretted that decision for two weeks.....

Then I found myself at Target once more buying a few groceries before going home and I decided to check the DVD's just in case the movies were still decently priced. They were! Only $2 more than they had been on Easter weekend. This time I didn't think twice, I plucked them off the shelf and brought those suckers home.

Now, it's been a long time since I've been inspired enough by something to make cookies... but this time I knew it was time! I spent hours researching pictures online to come up with the perfect combination. I have never seen Brave cookies done before, so I had no preconceived notions of what they should look like (it was kind of a blessing). After all that work... these are what came about.

I was super thankful for my foot markers. After today I decided I'm going to try to utilize them more often to make less work out of cookies that can still look fantastic. It's SO much easier to do tiny details like facial features with a marker. I tried piping on the details and, well, lets just say Joe got to eat that cookie.

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